A recent study conducted by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) shows that people who adopt dogs from animal shelters are more content with their pet than people who buy a dog from a pet shop. This tears apart the stereotype of animal shelter dogs being “damage goods”, unfriendly and slow.
The truth is that animal shelter dogs are incredibly grateful to leave their strict confines and enter into your world. Can you imagine how good it must feel to leave a crowded shelter with little space to roam and play? You are doing an animal shelter dog an enormous favor by bringing him home even though you might not notice it right away. It might take your adopted dog a day or two to feel comfortable in your home but rest assured that deep down he is ecstatic with his new spacious digs, his new yard and his new family.
The survey mentioned above also indicates that dog owners who adopted from animal shelters were more than two times as likely to recommend adopting from the shelter than those who purchased a dog at a retail outlet. Part of the reason is the fact that dogs adopted from animal shelters typically require much less treatment and care from veterinarians than those bought at retail pet stores. So, you’ll be opening your heart and your home to an animal in need but you won’t be opening your wallet as much as those who opt to shop for a dog.
Part of the reason why owners who adopted animal shelter dogs are so pleased with their new pets is that the majority of these dogs lived with families in the past. This means that they will be able to quickly and easily socialize with you and your family. They’ll also be much more likely than pet shop dogs to seamlessly transition into your living environment and blend in with the rest of your household.
Perhaps the most rewarding part of adopting a shelter dog is that you are saving a life. Every dog deserves to live and live in a quality home. Just think about how much a shelter dog would appreciate the chance to live comfortably alongside a friendly family in a spacious home. Adopt a shelter dog today and save a life.