It never ceases to amaze me, the beauty of life. Dad was visiting a ranch the other day and brought back this picture of a 3 week old smiling colt. This is a reminder to me of why we at AWOIP (Animal Welfare Organization Insurance Program)do what we do. Our animal friends are so important and we all need the care that is provided by our human companions. This baby colt was the first baby to her new mother. Sometimes complications can occur, especially when new mothers are giving birth. Some of the beauty of new life may not be so beautiful without the aid of our human friends. Dad’s seventeen year old daughter took this picture and was astonished at the handsome fella. She says that it was as if he posed and smiled for the picture. I think he was smiling because he was happy to be alive and appreciates what he has, a clean paddock, big beautiful pasture and humans who care for him and his family and friends. Kudos to you humans for caring enough to shelter, rescue and care for us animals.