Safety in the workplace should be a priority. Having safety meetings once per month is essential for ensuring employees know what to do when an emergency comes up in their environment. One topic that is not discussed enough is fire safety. Knowing how to handle a fire incident properly is important for keeping everyone safe when one does occur. Below is a guide to some of the topics you can discuss during your first fire safety meeting.
Prevention Tips
• Keeping work areas clean are essential for preventing fires. This means properly disposing of flammable substances and materials after you are done with them. Leaving them hanging around can lead to an unwanted fire, which can start from a simple spark of fire.
• Keep all electrical circuits balanced. Overloading them with electrical devices can cause them to overheat and start a flame. It is also important to unplug electrical appliances and devices at the end of each day to ensure additional safety.
• Place all heat producing equipment away from dry walls and anything flammable such as papers, fabrics and furniture.
• Keep fire extinguishers in areas that are easy to access in the work place if in emergency does occur.
• Having a fire safety blanket on hand is also essential because it can help snuff out a fire on a person.
• Make sure every employee knows where the fire exits are. Consider creating a fire safety map so everyone knows the ins and outs of the building they are in.
• Replace batteries in smoke detectors often and make sure they are placed in areas where everyone can hear them.
Safety Measures in the Event of a Fire
• First, call 911 even if you think you can handle the fire yourself. Fires can become out of control quickly.
• Evacuate building in the event of a fire and make sure you close the doors behind you to prevent smoke inhalation and the rapid spread of fire.
• If you catch on fire stop, drop and roll. If an employee, catches on fire tell them to stop, drop and roll, grab a fire safety blanket and wrap them up with it, and call 911. Burn injuries are serious and will need medical attention immediately.
End Notes
Knowing this important information is essential for saving lives and keeping everyone safe in the event of a fire. After all, you can never be too safe while working hard.