
Christmas Fundraising Ideas

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Help your local animal shelter to raise funds by suggesting that it holds a fundraiser before the holidays on their premises or at a local arts and crafts fair. The goal is to get families and children who have pets to use some of their planned money to buy gifts to buy some being offered by the shelter for all that it does for homeless animals.
It would be a fun time for all concerned if the fundraiser would be something like:
A dress-up contest with dog and cat pets brought in wearing their finery and offering a prize for the winner.
A booth selling pet items of all kinds (that can be purchased wholesale and sold for a fair but increased price to benefit the shelter). Suggest things such as pet toys, sweaters, tee shirts, pet beds, blankets, leashes, collars, gourmet pet food, and other items that will appeal to buyers.
Have a pet parade with a reasonable fee to enter and encourage the participants to dress up their pet and the wagon, bicycle, or other conveyance that the pet will be riding in.
Have an artist draw paintings of pets with an agreed-upon percentage of the funds being donated to the shelter. The artist could also sell gift cards that could be given to other families for Christmas presents.
Have a photographer who would do the same thing and take pictures of the beloved pets and sell gift cards.
Have a booth selling cards for volunteer work. Older children can offer their services for pet walking, lawn mowing, snow removal, babysitting, running errands, or other such projects.
The Animal Welfare Organization Insurance Program, LLC (AWOIP) is a big advocate of fund raising for animal shelters and rescues and would be happy to work with your local animal welfare organization to produce an insurance protection package that will meet its needs as well as the needs of the animals. AWOIP is also known to stomp on Capital Hill to defend the humane treatment of animals and animal rights in general.