
5 Key Ingredients to Successful Adoption Events

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Seeing a  pet that was once homeless, frightened and sad happily going home with their new family is a very rewarding experience.   A successful adoption can make all the hard work of animal rescue seem worthwhile.

While adoptions are a continuous goal of rescue groups, hosting adoption events is a great way not only to encourage adoptions but to promote animal rescue.  Involving other rescue groups can somewhat lesson the workload of  running adoption events, but can draw more people to see the pets.

If your rescue would like to organize an adoption event, there are some suggestions you may want to consider.

Location, Location, Location

Choosing a venue is one of the first things to do when planning an adoption event.  If you would like to have the pets at the event, make sure they would be welcome at the location.  There should be space for dog walking and the venue should be easily located.   This may encourage those passing by the venue to visit and hopefully, consider adoption.

Get the Word Out

People need to learn about the adoption event.  Place posters in places of high foot traffic.   Radio stations may do “local event” announcements for non-profit groups.  Use social media to announce and promote the adoption event. Place photographs of some of the available pets on your advertising materials.

All Hands on Deck

Adoption events require a lot of work.   Recruit as many volunteers as possible and provide them with information about the pets needing homes and your group’s adoption process so they can inform visitors.   Volunteers will also be needed to walk dogs, ensure water is available for animals present.   If cats are part of the event, volunteers can engage them in play to showcase this aspect of their personalities.

A Common Goal

If several different rescue group are participating in event, each organization may have different adoption fees, procedures and requirements. Do not allow these differences to interfere with the ultimate goal of adoption events, placing homeless pets into loving homes.

More Then Adoption

An adoption event is a great opportunity to educate the public about the plight of homeless animals, the benefits of adopting adult pets and how adoption saves lives.