Perhaps your Animal Shelter Fundraisers have been missing out on some of the lesser known holiday opportunities that are out there, which could boost your adoption rate significantly. Here you’ll find several mentioned that you can hopefully add to your list of animal shelter fundraisers.
February is chock full of excellent opportunities to hold fundraisers. For example, it’s Responsible Pet Owners Month, so by thanking previous owners who have adopted from your shelter in the past, you can also invite them to your upcoming fundraiser, and have them invite their animal-lover friends, who would just love seeing all of the adorable animals your shelter has available for adoption. February is also National Cat Health Month, Adopt a Rescued Rabbit Month, as well as National Wild Bird Feeding Month; so if your shelter has cats, rabbits and/or birds in residence, February is an excellent time to promote adoptions of them, as well as a chance to do some basic education about care, feeding, grooming, etc.
March is Adopt a Rescued Guinea Pig Month. April is Prevention of Animal Cruelty Month – a great opportunity to have a guest speaker or two on the topic to raise attendance of your fundraiser for that month and offer a tour of the beautiful creatures your shelter has available for adoption!
August 26th is National Dog Day, while National Cat Day is October 29th. These are great dates to orchestrate fun and exciting animal shelter fundraisers and expect high turn-outs and hopefully many happy adoptions.Speaking of canine friends, June is Adopt a Dog Month, and for the felines, October is Adopt a Cat Month.October is also Adopt a Shelter Dog Month, and some of our most lovable animal friends, those who are senior citizens, also have their own honorary month, with November being Adopt a Senior Pet Month.
You’ll find all kinds of creative ways to promote these various pet specific holidays, while still taking advantage of the more readily recognized national holidays as well. Set up your animal shelter fundraisers so that fun is had by all of the attendees, your available adoption population, and good luck!