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Are you and your dog getting bored with the monotonous walks around the neighborhood? Of course you are! Humans and dogs alike need to change it up once in a while. Luckily, there is a website for dog owners to get their  next adventure for them and their furry friend to go on. Just copy and paste this URL into your web browser http://adventure.dogtime.com.  This website also informs dog owners on pick-up tips from outdoor experts, allows owners to share their own stories with fellow dog lovers, and earn point that can be used for donations to non-profit animal organizations and prizes for themselves and their pup. You’ll never run out of activities to do with your dog!

Okay, I know you’re excited with the points so I’ll start with that. The way that you earn these points is by sharing the featured articles, posts, images, videos, etc., submitting a post, and getting your post approved and posted on the site. Check out this page to see exactly what your points get you http://eukanuba.voicestorm.com/Page/Points. Now, all you need to do is start making memories with your dog, posting them on this blog, and earning donations for great causes.