
How Do I protect my Animal Shelter Volunteers?

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Volunteer insurance is available to animal rescues and shelters as protection for their volunteers. It covers volunteers from injuries that are incurred while doing their volunteer duty. It provides peace of mind to the rescue owner because it gives protection to both the volunteer and the rescue organization. Volunteers can feel secure because they know that if they get injured they will be covered and not subject to costly medical bills from their volunteer work. This helps volunteers feel secure in doing their job and in turn makes them happier and more confident.

Rescues are always working on a tight budget and all it would take is one accident or lawsuit to shut the whole operation down. If a volunteer at your organization were to suffer some kind of accident that their insurance wouldn’t cover, would you be prepared? What if there is an injury and you are sued, are you prepared for that? If you have had a hard time getting insurance for your rescue then call us. Volunteer insurance is not something that regular insurance companies deal with and it’s even possible they don’t know it exists. Companies that do know how to deal with animal rescues and shelters know exactly what you need and can make recommendations of how much insurance to buy.

Volunteer insurance can be a comforting factor for volunteers. When you tell them that you have an insurance policy that covers them at your rescue you are letting them know you are running a professional organization and that you really appreciate the work that they do.  A volunteer who knows you have taken the time to get insurance for them will be more motivated to work and that translates into better care for the animals and for the guests of your rescue.

Take the time to explore what volunteer insurance can do for your organization. The peace of mind for both the owner and volunteers at the rescue is well worth the cost. If you have been searching for insurance for your rescue and encountering dead ends then dealing with a company that specializes in volunteer insurance could be the solution to your problem.