
5 Ways for an Animal Shelter to get People to Take Home Homeless Animal

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If you are truly an animal lover then your passion will help you succeed in your quest to help people adopt homeless animals.
1. Contact local veterinary clinics that specialize in pets. You should contact them via email and telephone. A personal visit with a simple black and white flyers that bullet points your basic info is always good. Please be brief, fierce and memorable in describing your animal shelter and your available pets to adopt. Since veterinarians are involved in helping pet owners care for their beloved pets, they know who is looking to adopt and are often a first point of contact. In the unfortunate passing of a pet, the bereaved will often want to eventually replace that animal with a new one after an appropriate period of mourning.
2. Consider a free post on Craigslist that includes pictures. Go to: www.craigslist.com and under the headline “Community” click on “Pets.” It is easy and simple to post a picture and a brief description of the available homeless pet. Anything that relates to revealing the animal’s personality is especially helpful in differentiating from other ads.
3. Post pictures and descriptions on your animal shelter’s Facebook page that clearly call the pet lover to action. Adopting a pet is an emotional decision. It is best to keep your posting cute and brief.
4. Ensure that the signage near your animal shelter is adequate. If you are located near a major highway is it easy to find your location? You can also increase your exposure by adding small plastic signs that are quick to install by driving them into the ground on the edge of roads near major intersections. Be careful that you do not violate any signage rules on your area. Typically areas where you see real estate and political signs are already approved. You may need to get a permit. Contact your local city office regarding rules and regulations.
5. Participate in local networking opportunities. There are many ways to remind your local public that your animal shelter is well run and has adoptable pets. Join your local Chamber of Commerce, Lions, Rotary, religious institution, Optimists Club, FFA Alumni boosters, etc. The list of organizations really depends on your personal interests and availability for meetings.
Best of luck in your quest. Every homeless animal will find a home if you engage in a systematic plan.