
5 Reason Way Shelter Animals are Better Pet’s

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One look into the eyes of an abused and discarded animal is enough to melt the heart of any animal lover. You know that animal is looking for love and affection, you know that animal has never been given any. This is most evident when you see pets in a shelter. They are either very friendly or very angry. The two extremes are there for a reason. Just like any human would react to mistreatment so do animals.
However shelter pets make the best pets:
They are not Spoiled
Animal lovers the world over have the worst trend of spoiling their pets. Pet shops also need to make that animal look and smell great in order to attract a sale. The pet is groomed and given a clean bed sometimes twice a day. Their only job is to look pretty so they can be sold. A shelter animal before arriving at a shelter has been lying in it’s own feces and fleas and dirt for so long that when he is cleaned it is a luxury and not a expectation.
They can Stomach variety of Foods
From their hard life on the streets when a animal is placed at the shelter they adapt to eat the food given. They are not fussy and do not need special diets. They just need a well balanced healthy meal.
Very Loving
A shelter animal can become very loving once adopted and treated well. Even the animal that has become aggressive from abuse, can with a gentle loving touch and good care become a loving pet. They have hardly known love so when they feel it they adore it and fall in love with you immediately.
A shelter animal is also more disciplined once they have been taught and are loved. The reason for this is that they have known a bad life and they do not want to go back to that life. They listen when you talk and they try not test your patience.
A shelter pet is healthier as it has had all it’s shots and also from a life of abuse and living on the street it has learned to eat lower quality food than normal. It’s immune system is higher and the animals threshold for catching diseases is strong.
Shelter animal most definitely make the better pet.Stop by your shelter today and get a friend for life.