
15 Steps in Stopping Pet Overpopulation

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Every year several animals are put to death in kill shelters simply due to overpopulation and not enough available loving homes for the unwanted animals. The only way to stop kill shelters from putting animals down is to stop the overpopulation of homeless cats and dogs. If your wondering what you can do to help stop pet over populations the tips below can assist.
1. Offer donations to shelters and clinics to help spayed female cats and dogs that need it.
2. Offer donations to veterinary clinics and shelters for male kittens and puppies that need neutering.
3. Adopting a pet that needs a home can mean less animals on the streets, which means less unnecessary liters being produced.
4. Becoming a foster parent for animals in shelters that are overloaded with animals can help provide more room in shelters to help get overpopulated pets off the streets and from producing more unneeded liters.
5. Preventing pet overpopulation also begins with you making sure your own pets have been spayed or neutered.
6. One of the ways vets can help stop the overpopulation of pets is by offer free spaying and neutering clinics to people who cannot afford to get their pets fixed, but wish to do so to prevent pet overpopulation.
7. Animals that are abandoned on the streets need to be rescued and brought to shelters and clinics. The less cats and dogs on the streets the less liters occur and euthanasia.
8. Providing more resources to help with the adoption and fostering process can help.
9. Donating plenty of food, water, pet care products, bedding and toys to local animal shelters can help the shelters provide for more rescued or abandoned animals, which means a reduction in cat and dog populations.
10. Opening your own non-profit shelter or rescue service can help get unwanted cats and dogs off the streets and from producing more liters.
11. Volunteering at your local animal shelter can help reduce animal population. Sometimes all shelters need is some extra pairs of hands to help take in more animals.
12. Preventing animal hoarding is a huge way to prevent animal overpopulation.
13. Creating a non-profit safe drop off spot for unwanted pets can help drastically.
14. Prevent the selling of fighting dogs. Once a dog is done fighting it’s put out onto the streets. A particular breed that is often used for fighting is the pitbull.
15. Make sure stray cats and dogs are rescued by animal patrol.