
10 Steps on Bottle Feeding a Kitten

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A newborn kitten that has been abandoned by its mother will need intervention to ensure he or she survives. Proper feeding is one of those critical interventions. Feeding a kitten can be hard work, but it also incredibly rewarding. We’ve laid out the 10 necessary steps of feeding a newborn kitten and exactly what yo’ll need to do it.
What You’ll Need:
• Kitten Milk Replacement Formula
• Kitten-sized bottles & nipples
• A warm towel
Feeding Instructions:
1. All materials should be sterilized before being used to feed a kitten. Experts suggest sterilizing kitten sized baby bottles and nipples (or syringes) in a boiling water bath for about five minutes. Allow them to cool completely before use.
2. Follow the directions on the KMR or emergency formula, for feeding size. It may be necessary to weigh the kitten prior to feeding to ensure it is getting the proper amount of formula. This can be done on a kitchen scale
3. To warm the formula, place the bottle in a hot water bath for a few minutes. Never microwave KMR, as this will cause pockets of hot and cold formula.
4. Before you being feeding, it is best to test the formula on your forearm, just as you would with a baby’s formula. It should feel warm, but not hot.
5. You also should test the nipple to ensure the flow is correct. The nipple should not drip when upside down. It should only drip when gentle pressure is applied.
6. Before you being feeding ensure the kitten is warm and comfortable. Some experts suggest wrapping the kitten in a towel or blanket before feeding.
7. To feed the kitchen place him prone on your lap with his head down. Place the bottle into his mouth, and allow the kitten to nurse. The nursing reflex should kick right in, however, stroking the top of the kitten’s head can help it along.
8. Just like a baby, kittens often need to be burped after feeding. Hold the kitten under the abdomen and lightly tap its back to stimulate a burp.
9. Once burped, the kitten will likely want to sleep, so place it in a warm area, and allow him or her to sleep uninterrupted.
10. Repeat the feedings ever 2 hours or so. For a newborn kitten. Generally, a kitten will require about 1.1 ounces of formula spread out over 9 to 12 feedings.